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PRP Treatment Hair & Skin

Embrace the rejuvenating power of PRP Treatments at Rare Beauty Lab. Our expert treatments for hair and skin utilize Platelet-Rich Plasma, a natural substance from your body, to stimulate healing and promote youthful vibrancy, helping you rediscover your radiant self.

two women are looking at each other with their eyes closed
a woman is getting an injection in her hair

Understanding PRP Treatments

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments offer a natural approach to enhancing your beauty by using your body's own healing mechanisms. In this procedure, your blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. 

These platelets, rich in growth factors, are then reintroduced to targeted areas of your skin or scalp, stimulating cellular rejuvenation and promoting hair growth. This technique offers a non-surgical solution to combat hair loss and skin aging, leaving you with a refreshed, youthful appearance that radiates health and vitality.

a woman is getting a PRP injection in her head
a woman is touching her face with her hand and smiling

The PRP Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where our experts will assess your needs and explain the PRP process, ensuring this treatment is the perfect match for your beauty goals.

Blood Collection & Preparation

After the consultation, a small sample of your blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge. This machine spins rapidly, separating the platelets from the other components of your blood.

Treatment Application

The concentrated platelet-rich plasma is then injected into targeted areas on your scalp or skin. This stimulates cellular rejuvenation, promoting hair growth and enhancing skin health and vitality.

Our PRP Treatment Offerings

At Rare Beauty Lab, we offer specialized PRP treatments tailored to address your unique beauty needs. Each treatment is designed to provide significant rejuvenation while ensuring utmost comfort and safety.

  • PRP For Hair Regrowth (30 mins): This treatment targets hair loss by stimulating the scalp, promoting hair growth and leaving you with fuller, healthier hair.

  • PRP For Under Eye (30 mins): Specifically designed to address under-eye issues like dark circles and crepe skin, this treatment revitalizes the sensitive under-eye area, restoring a youthful and vibrant appearance.
a woman is laying on a bed getting a PRP treatment
a woman is laying on a bed getting a PRP treatment

Benefits of PRP Treatment

PRP Treatment at Rare Beauty Lab offers a plethora of benefits to both your skin and hair. For the skin, it stimulates collagen production, improving elasticity and reducing wrinkles, giving you a youthful, radiant glow. For hair, it encourages hair regrowth by stimulating the hair follicles, combating thinning hair and hair loss. 

These treatments are minimally invasive and utilize your body's natural healing abilities, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions. Moreover, they require minimal downtime, allowing you to continue with your routine almost immediately after the session, making them a convenient choice for many of our clients.

a woman with freckles is touching her face with her hands
a woman with freckles is touching her face with her hands


Our clients often have queries regarding our PRP Treatments. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to help you understand better what to expect from our services.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • Are there any side effects to PRP treatments?

    PRP treatments at Rare Beauty Lab are lauded for their safety and tolerance. Given the treatment uses your own blood, it significantly reduces risks associated with foreign substances. 

    Like other injectable treatments, you may experience minor, temporary side effects such as mild discomfort, redness, or swelling at the injection site. These symptoms typically subside on their own within a few hours or days. 

    Our team of professionals prioritizes your comfort and safety throughout the process, ensuring that the procedure is as seamless as possible. However, if you notice any unusual symptoms or if your discomfort persists, we encourage you to reach out to us immediately for assistance.

  • Who is the ideal candidate for PRP treatments?

    PRP treatments are an excellent choice for those battling early signs of aging, fine lines, wrinkles, or hair thinning. If you're looking for a natural approach to rejuvenating your skin and hair without invasive surgery or artificial substances, PRP could be the perfect solution. 

    However, not everyone is an ideal candidate. Those with certain medical conditions like blood disorders, cancer, or chronic liver disease are generally discouraged from undergoing PRP hair treatment as well as PRP skin treatment. 

    We place great emphasis on ensuring our treatments are appropriate and safe for each client. As such, during your initial consultation, we'll conduct a thorough review of your health history and assess your suitability for the treatment. 

    This way, we can ensure PRP is indeed the right route for your beauty journey.

  • Can PRP treatments be combined with other procedures?

    Absolutely, PRP treatments can indeed be effectively combined with other rejuvenating services offered at Rare Beauty Lab for enhanced results. 

    Many of our clients find great success in pairing PRP treatments with our Anti-Aging Injections and Dermal Fillers or the highly acclaimed Morpheus8 treatments. The combination helps to augment the results of individual treatments, achieving an overall enhanced effect. 

    However, it's important to note that the appropriateness of combining treatments is highly dependent on your specific circumstances, including your unique skin needs and aesthetic goals. 

    Therefore, we strongly recommend discussing these options during a personalized consultation with our expert staff to establish the most effective treatment plan for you.

Client Reviews: Real Experiences at Rare Beauty Lab

Cancellation Policy – Rare Beauty Lab

We kindly ask you to notify us of cancellations at least 48 hours prior to your appointment via email, text, or phone call. Cancellations within a 48-hour window will incur a charge equal to half the service rate, ensuring we can offer the time slot to another valued client. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a smooth schedule at Rare Beauty Lab.

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